Pink Bobblehead Bunny


Add a Custom Poll to Your Blog!

 Hey jammers! Today's little information post will be about adding a poll! Notice: Some of my information for inserting a poll comes from my lovely friend, Doomy Panda. Credit to them! 

Anyways, let's get into the post! 

How to Make a Poll

1. Start by going to this link:
When you get there, you're screen should look like mine: 

Tip: Don't want to make a poll? See the 3 categories outlined in white? The first one is a Quiz Maker and the second one is a Survey Maker. (3rd one is a Help Resource) You can choose either, it doesn't matter. 

2. Now, start filling in your qustions! Polls, by the way, can only make one question at max! The survey and quiz can have as many as wanted. I wouldn't reccomend making them too too long; maybe like 3-4 questions at most. But again, it doesn't really matter. 

3. When you're done and satifiesd with your poll, click "Create Poll". It should now take you to this screen: 

Extra Step: If you want to customize your poll a little bit, click on "Themes" at the top bar. There are many templates that you can choose from! 

4. Finally, if you're not there already, click Share on the top bar. Next, click Embed and copy the code. 

Inserting Poll Into Your Sidebar

1. Select the blog you are editing and then go to "Layout" on the left side bar.

2. Click on "Add a Gadget" on the side panel of your theme. (All themes are different but try and find the biggest one on the side)

3. Next, click "HTML/Javascript". Now, copy the code that you got from the Poll Maker! Now you're done! 

I hope this post helped and inspired you to add a poll! ;) Thanks for reading and happy blogging! 


How To: Change the Date and Time of Your Post

 Hey jammers! Popcorn here C: Today's topic is one not known by many, but can prove useful in many cases.  I'll give you an example:...